Saturday, February 26, 2011

gettin' ready for March

So, this month, I learned how to do these awesome floral fabric flowers... I can't remember what blog I got it off of, by when I remember... I'll let you know, and make sure they get full credit.. Either way, I was really excited when I made the crate paper flowers, and I decided that I wanted to do them in fabric, so that they would last longer. Plus I think I like how they look more so, than the crate paper..

So stinkin' cute. Seriously, my favorite holiday, and I cannot wait. Remember March is gonna be my creating month. I am over the moon with this idea! Oh also, my follow blogger, J, is taking up my month challenge of gratitude. I am always happy to see that I influence others in a positive way! You can check out her blog HERE!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Finally on Facebook

I finally got my page up on Facebook, something that I have wanted to do for a long time. I want to get the word out, that it's okay to talk about infertility, and there are resources for those that are going through this nail biting experience.

You can follow me HERE! Spread the word, this too will also get you brownie points for posting your own tutorial on my blog!

you're so PHAT!!

Hey Bleeps! I know it's been a minute since I posted last.. oops. But, I am going to fix this, and I am working on perhaps jumping the month of March off with a new creative item each week, and I think it would be awesome to feature someone at the end of the month with their own tutorial!

So, if you want a little post about your blog, let me know, and share my blog with others so we can get this word out. Leave a comment and let me know you are interested! Things like sharing on Facebook, twitter, your blog. Anything and everything gets you points!

So, this post I would like to dedicate to my little sister. She is a peach, and I love her. She recently was told she needed to lost weight by her doctor, and she thought it would be a great idea to blog her journey to her weight goal. I think this is a great idea and makes me a little motivated, and I even added a little ticker to the bottom of my blog, to get those exercise gears movin'!

You can check out my sista's blog HERE!I hope this motivates you to get your rump moving, and get ready for summer, and we can all be sizzlin'!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

For Lindsey

So, recently I read a post of facebook, from a gal that I had known in my previous ward, she shared that they only had a few more weeks with someone named Lindsey. Well, I had no idea would Lindsey was, so, I called my mother up, who is still in the same ward, and I asked. She shared with me, that Lindsey was the daughter-in-law, of this gal, and she had been diagnosed with cancer, and things were not looking well.

So, this afternoon, I learned about Lindsey. This amazing young lady, who is my age, who attended my school. No, I didn't know her, but I believe the more prayers for their families the better.

You can learn about Lindsey too, HERE!

There are several post on her blog, where they talk about the hope for harvesting eggs, after the radiation treatment, in hopes for a baby. Later, they find out that the chances of even harvesting eggs is not possible. Wow, I have spent the last year trying everything to get pregnant. I would give anything to be a mother, but it doesn't matter, because this young lady would give anything just to have another year with her husband. I couldn't even imagine. I read her blog and just cried.

I know we don't always get what we want, but we can be grateful for what we have. I am still grateful, and I know I am truly blessed.

Prayers for Lindsey, and for her family.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

water, water

So, I wanted to post this the other day, following my family cloth tutorial, but I decided I would wait a day or so, to post, that way I had something else to share. I made my second contribution to the environment, I added a water bottle to the toilet tank.

My dear husband was kind enough to down a litter of Code Red Mountain Dew. I know what a terrible wife I am... making my husband drink soda. I then took of the label, filled it with tap water, all the way to the top, so there would be no air bubbles.

Then flushing the toilet I added the bottle to the right side of tank, out of the way of everything. and ta-da. You save water every time you flush. I know, it wasn't big news, but I am excited that I am taking baby-steps to going green. I hope this encourages you to do the same!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Family Cloth Tutorial

Heads up to new readers, or for any one who is unaware. If you do not know what family cloths are, please go HERE.

Finally! I can now put up my family cloth tutorial. It has taken me a few days, and with needing to get a few more photos, and then getting said photos onto my computer it has been quite the task. I should really get with it. I have a few other things that I need to make, and they are collecting dust.

So first things first, I picked out my fabric I wanted. I went with two different cotton materials, the red with the flowers and the gray with the black floral. I really liked them. All the other blogs that I have read on this, you can use pretty much anything for family cloth. Old t-shirts, bedding, etc. But I wanted something that was nicer, and more unison. For the other side of the cloth, I used a muslim material, it's cheap, and I really like how it looked against my other material. Oh, I should tell you, I bought the pre-cut quarter panels. You know, the kind that we folded in neat squares, and placed more or less right in front of the other fabric. I think it's cheaper, and it saves me from cutting more.

After cutting the muslim material to the same size of the opposite material. I placed them back to back, and laid out my paper on top. I measured it out to 6 inches, I got about 12 squares per quarter panel.

It took about 20 mins, but I finally got it all cut out and ready to go. They looked great, before I even began sewing.

Now the benefit to doing them 6 inches, is that I basically did a finishing stitch on them, and cut the over hang. I used a zig-zag stitch, and so they were super quick, and simple.

Now, I just cut the small over hang, or if you like it, you are welcome to leave it. I however liked the more finished edge.

Doesn't it look great?! I won't lie, I am pretty proud of myself.

Also, while I was purchasing my fabric this week, I came across the clearance section, and picked up this adorable basket, with my favorite color, orange, and it has paisleys- you can never go wrong, with either combination. I placed the basket next to my toilet.

Also, I choose the dry method of family cloth. You can find out about that HERE. I know the website I suggested is about cloth diapers, but it is the same idea. So, this is my pail, clearly labeled "not trash". So now all my friends who read my blog, and come to my house, don't have to ask what it's for. Oh man, my poor friends.

Well that is it, my first step towards going green. I want you to know, I am fully aware that this is not for everyone, and you may clearly not share the same views as I do. But, I like it, so I am sticking with it.

Friday, February 18, 2011

he loves me, loves me not

It was an unfortunate Valentines day this year, seeing as how I spent the day drugged up, and sleeping the day away.. In between helping my mother with a class party for my little brothers sixth grade class, and pretending to be semi-conscious. These fabulous flowers above, were a treat my husband brought home for me, after running errands, cause yes, I scheduled visiting teachers to come to my house.. Oh man that day was a nightmare, I hadn't slept the whole night before, then I had to stay up to entertain my guest. Poor ladies. Sorry!

The flowers are still in perfect bloom sitting on my counter top, just in case you were wondering. Which is good, cause Monday, after getting back from the little class party I helped out with... my dear, sweet husband invited his best friend over. Don't get me wrong, I love his friend Steve-o, and we all get a long great, except when I want to spend a "romantic" day with my husband, granted I would have slept the day away, regardless. But, it's the matter of the fact that my husband, invited someone over, when we could have very well spent the day together, being sappy, and full of love. No worries, my husband made good, and the following day, we made our way to Salt Lake, stopping at Ikea, where yes, I purchased a wok, for just $5!!! Woot! Afterward, we journeyed more North, into Salt Lake, Yeah I never go here.. and honestly it's kinda scary, at least compared to my little neighborhood, it's something that just freaks me out. If you can't tell, I am not much of a risk taker..

Before lunch, we went and saw a movie, True Grit, not gonna lie, kinda really liked it. And of course, I had to use the bathroom after, and this is what I found in the rest room, probably the coolest hand dryer I have ever had the opportunity to dry my clean hands with. It's a Dyson hand dryer, and you put her hands down inside the mouth looking area. Yeah, it was awesome!
(sad that I am so impressed with the hand dryer, right?)

But, we went out, and my husband treated me to a great little restaurant, The Red Iguana. If you have never been I highly recommend it. Plus, their doggy bags, are biodegradable.

This was my dish, it was huge, and there is a second plate off to the side you can't see. It was super yummy, and just as good when I reheated it later. Yum!

Also, just FYI, spiciest house salsa, I have ever had in my life. Which only made it that much better.

All, in all. My husband made up for the lack of lovin' on Monday, and I can say I truly enjoyed our Valentines day this year. Can't wait for 50+ more years of them. Love you Jon!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

side note

So before you read this post, I just want you to know, I am beyond happy for any of the friends I have in my life who are able to conceive, and who have been blessed after years of infertility to finally get to the point in their lives, where they throw their hands in the air and shout "hazaa, finally!"

I have spent the last few days feeling a little down in the mouth. I was shocked the other day as I logged onto Facebook, and a friend of mine, after years of trying, and even being approved for adoption, and waiting to be placed with a child... She was blessed with a miracle, and announced her pregnancy. I was thrilled for her and her husband. That is wonderful news, and they down right deserve it.

But, in the back of my mind all I could feel was loneliness. I know, that's a odd way to feel, but honestly. She was told the chance of conception for her and her hubby were around 1%, so literally this is a MIRACLE!! So you should be clapping right now.

I however am now realizing that every single infertile I have known... is now pregnant.. So I guess that means I am the cure for infertility, just become friends with me, or make my acquaintance, and ta-da. You will get knocked up. I am not bitter, I just want you to know this, I am just sad. Sad, that I am more or less the only person I know.. that isn't pregnant, or has children already, and darn it, I am sad. I want nothing more than to be a mother, to plan fun things for them for Christmas, or Easter, or dang it, even St. Patrick's day- favorite holiday, just in case you were wondering. I want to make cute little dresses for my daughters, or tickle them til they can't breath- not really.. what kind of mother would do that?!

I guess, I am just ready for it to be my turn, to announce that we are going to be parents, or that we are adopting, blah blah blah. You know all the mushy sappy things. I want them, and I want people to be happy for me. For once it would be nice to go to the baby shower and know that people are there to celebrate with ME!

Excuse me for ranting, this is however still my infertility blog, and I am still allowed to speak my mind. I have a ton of post that I need to get on, I have a few crafts I have made, a Valentine's date to post, and all sorts of good things commin'.

I hope you all had a great Valentine's and got some lovin'! Especially cause I am not particularly loving at this very moment. Allow me to pout, and I will be better in a few days..

Monday, February 14, 2011

valentines table top

Alright, I know I seriously have lacked on the post, but give me a break, I have been beyond sick, and barely able to pull myselg out of bed somedays. This cold really kicked my butt. But while I was held up, I managed to let my creative mind be adventurous. I found this tutorial, and decided I really wanted to give it a try. It was cheap, and if I messed it up, I could always blame it on the sickness. So, I know mine look no where near as nice as her's... But.. for the purpose, and because in the end I covered it with the top of the cake display.

Obviously this is the finished product, on top of my much needed to be ironed table cloth. YIKES! sorry 'bout that. I also made a few little wrapped tissue balls, with newspaper hearts.. and then wrapped some tool around it to add some fluff.

Truly, I think it looks cute. And if you don't then you don't need to come to my house. Just kidding. You're always welcome.

So glad I was able to be productive, and get a few things done. I also managed to start my family cloths, which are almost done, and I will be able to post that tutorial tomorrow. Then hopefully I will get my unpaper towels finished. Which I must share with you, I picked the cutest fabric out for both of them! Cannot wait!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

side note

So, I just wanted you to all know, that although I am very sick. I managed to pull myself out of the house, with the help of my loving husband, and I bought the fabric for my family cloth. I was planning on working on my unpaper towels.. but no body at the fabric store knew what bridseye cotton was.. So now I am on a journey to find a substitute.

By the end of this week, I hope to have them cut out, and pinned ready to sew. I do however, also need to organize my second bedroom. I am planning on putting my genealogy into nice plastic containers instead of boxes made for produce. Then those need to go into the attic, and I can reclaim my second bedroom again, and get my head above water.

I am looking forward to getting things done, and I have an awesome date planned on Friday with my hubby, and a few family members. I am planning on attending a musical production that is being performed at the local high school.... wait for it... Phantom of the Opera. LOVE IT!!

Also, looking forward to valentines day, and gettin' my lovin' on. Woot! I will have some pictures up by the end of the week, on my fabric and what not, and hopefully my genealogy project. Yikes. Hopefully, I start feeling better.

I hope your hump day was a lot more productive than mine, and that you are looking forward to the weekend as much as I am.

side note

Oh man, have you been outside today? Here in Utah county, it's FREEZING!! Not to mention the wind factor only adds that much more to the chill.. Buuurrr!!! So, it's been kind a slow week, and along with the cold, there is a change in the air. I am greatly considering changing my degree. I am currently attending school for Criminal Justice, as many of you might know. Well... the more I think about it, the more I really want to do something else. As luck would have it, after talking to a few people, and deciding that

1. I LOVE math
2. I LOVE kids
3. I think there is nothing greater than watching a child learn

Drum roll........ if you haven't already guessed?

I wanna be a math teacher :)

So hopefully, I can get the ball rolling on that. I know that it may not excite a lot of people, ya know... changing my degree and all... but, I have a feeling I will like this career a lot more.. Don't be sad, I know the idea me dressed up in a uniform, and walking around with handcuffs and a gun really gets your gears goin'... but alas, I wanna be a math teacher.

Alright, well... I am really sick, and feeling a little out of it. Have a great evening/day, and Happy Hump day!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

I'm goin' green!

Okay, so recently I have been considering more and more lately, the possibility for finding "green" alternatives to things I do around my house, and obviously I know that this isn't for everyone, and it is something that my husband and I have decided to do. Yes, I am a little bit of a hippie, and I don't mind one bit. I would ask however that you keep your opinions just that, yours. I don't want any negative feed back from this, and if you don't have anything nice to say, well then just don't be speakin'.

Doing your part for the environment is important. Just think, if every person on the planet did one small thing to better our planet, what kind of world would we live in? I recently started to investigate family cloths, if you don't know what that is you can find out here, I just came across this Website today, and I am in love! All the questions I had been wondering about, I found on her blog.

So, now that you have been given a glimpse of my awkward mind, I have a new goal. I want to find 10 different things my family can do, to go "green". I love this, especially since I have started researching it, I have found patterns for cloth diapers here. Or even making your own sanitary napkins, here. I know this lifestyle isn't for everyone, and for some people it makes them uncomfortable to think about, but I really am in love with this idea.

I know that some of my green methods, are a little extreme, and aren't exactly high on everyone's to-do list. But, If we all did at least ONE thing, it could make a difference. For example:

1. Filling a bottle with water, and putting it in the tank of our toilets. You use less water to flush.

2. Shortening our shower time.

3. Turning the faucet on and off in between washing hands, brushing teeth, or even washing dishes.

We should all try to make 2011 a little bit greener for everyone. I can't wait to get started!

in a nut shell

So, while I was MIA... I managed to snap a few pictures while I was doing so.. Oh speaking of photos, I have more than this, after my little photo adventure with J.

The beautiful mountains that trim Utah County.. I hate taking pictures of the mountains.. I just feel like I never do them justice, and they look smaller than they really are..

I also managed to fit in a good ol' game of bowling with the hubby and a couple of friends, and if you were thinkin' J.. you'd be right, also her hubby came, and I hate playing with people who actually know what they are doing.. cause then my score seems even more pathetic. Ugh, oh well. We had a blast and I must say, I think we should do it again.
Also credit needs to be given, B mopped the floor, and basically kicked everyones butt.

Last but not least.. At the end of this week, my husband and I attended another funeral. This time, it was my uncle. Now, before you start crying, I didn't know him all that well, and in fact I think I have only met him once or twice. But, my poor husband didn't sleep the night before, and between the long drive to and from the funeral, and catching a few Z's during the services. He passed out before we were a block away from the chapel. It was too cute, I had to take a pic.

So, that has been the past few days, that I wasn't blogging. I know, it isn't all the exciting, but next week is gonna be a blast, and I just wanted to give ya the heads up!

on a side note

Well, I managed to make it a few days without getting back on my blog. But, not without some people sending me hate text, and complaining about going through with-drawls. It made me feel special, you know like when the teacher compliments your pretty picture, and no one else. Yeah, that special. I have had a busy few couple of days, I spent some time helping my bestie J pack up more of her house, and get ready for her big move. I know I have shared in the past, about my bestie J, but something I want you all to know, I admire my best friend, and I truly love her.

This past year, my bestie experienced a true heart break, with the lose of her daughter due to stillbirth. But, Thursday night I felt the true impact of this heart ache, as I helped J pick up the room she had so tenderly prepared for a daughter she never even brought home. J felt it was important to fluff up the cute little room again, so she could take some photos of the room, she filled with dreams, only to have them heart broken. I hope J, doesn't mind me sharing this with you, so you can be jealous of the knowledge that I am best friends with my hero.

As we picked up the room, and rearranged the cute stuff animals, remade the crib, and straightened everything just right, I glanced up on the wall to see this.

For those of you who can't see past the glare... no worries I'm complaining to myself right now.

If ever there is tomorrow when
we're not together.. there is
something you must always
remember.. you are braver than
you believe, stronger than you seem,
and smarter than you think.. but the
most important thing is, even if we're
apart... I'll always be with you.
-Winnie the Pooh

Yeah can you say for cute. Honestly one of my greatest moments was helping J with this project, and helping her preserve her memories. Thanks J for allowing me into this small special place in your heart.

If you wish to read J's blog, dedicated to her daughter you can do so here.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

I tried to resist

I wanted to resist the urge so badly to blog, and I thought to myself, I can totally make it one day, but I seriously couldn't get it out of my head all day long, and I kept thinking, OH I COULD BLOG ABOUT THAT!

They should really provide a disclosure for when you start your blog. warning: may be addictive after a few blogs have been posted. Ugh, story of my life, at least this time it doesn't cost me money, and I don't have to pee in any cups, or take my temperature . Thank Heavens! If you have never dealt with infertility, just so you know, you get so overly obsessed with what your body is doing, and isn't doing, it's nice for once to be thinking about where I would like to vacation in a year, instead of planning on being pregnant this time next year. Don't get me wrong, I would take being pregnant, over anything in the entire world! But, I will settle for a cruise to anywhere tropical please!

So Tuesday night, is game night, and sometimes it is epic... sometimes. Tonight, everyone was feeling a little under the weather, but we all managed to pull ourselves out from our disheveled beds, and sat around my kitchen table to play a good game of Hand and Foot. I just learned how to play this game, and I love it!

I just wanna know, how is it that the people at the table, who have never played before, and really don't understand all the rules... always managed to kick butt! Yeah.. my bestie J and her dear husband, mopped the floor with us. Good game guys, but we will get you next time!

This pic is my bestie J and BB, we sat at the table chatting, while our husbands....

Played video games. This picture really doesn't do it justice, just because you can't feel the intensity of the situation. It was kinda cute. I know I married that man for a reason. Even if he spends 3+ hours some days playing. Love you Jon.

It was a fun evening, and I feel time well spent. I look forward to these game nights so much. I am excited because in a couple of weeks we are gonna have a V-day Shin dig! Woot! Cannot wait. Hopefully I can resist to blog so much. But, what can I say. I love it. Happy February everyone!