Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Spoonful of humble?

I have been avoiding blogging for a while now, mainly because I have felt a little down in the mouth. Not just about the whole infertility thing, but also just another series of events taking place in our life right now. I am still currently now working, and am feeling the strain from Jon working almost every night, and sleeping every day. It has also come to my attention that my resentment towards others, mainly the cute little round women that I see every where... Thank you Utah!

I have started to feel that little bug climb back on my shoulder, and start begging for attention. Don't worry, unlike before, I am actually acknowledging this little disturbance. Thankfully, I have some wonderful friends, and other bloggers who ironically were all blogging about the same thing recently. I was kinda of caught off guard when I was catching up on my reading, due to the lack of blogging the past couple of weeks.

The theme that echoed through all of the blogs, was merely recognizing that God sends us trials, and that everything happens for a reason, and I need to have faith that everything will work out the way it's suppose to.

It was what I needed to read, I needed to be reminded, that I need to have patience, and I need to retain my strength, in the event that I have to potentially face the fact that we may end up adopting. That is fine, I am comfortable with our decision to wait, and then adopt. I just need to find the strength to endure.

I know this is probably a lot of rambling, but it's something that I needed to acknowledge and hopefully those individuals who blogs I read, will read this and know I appreciate their words.